
493 Hackney Road
London E2 9ED


is a limited company registered in England and Wales with the number 13409271

About us

We are A IS FOR ARCHITECTURE: a studio driven by a desire tounderstand and enhance the world around us.

Our experience ranges from the design of one-off public buildings to master planning large-scale, long-term, sustainable, coastal regeneration.

Our designs are driven by in-depth research, investigating the context and meaning of sites, client aspirations, community need, and the ideas and motifs that will bring each project to life. 

A IS FOR ARCHITECTURE was founded in 2021 by Duarte Lobo Antunes and Jack William Taylor who met while working together at ACME on the Folkestone Seafront development.

Duarte studied at Porto University School of Architecture and then spent six years at Herzog & De Meuron in Basel, Switzerland.

Jack studied at the Glasgow School of Art and went on to work with Sauerbruch Huttonin Berlin.  

Today A IS FOR ARCHITECTURE is a growing team of nine, based in London, working on a variety of residential, commercial and cultural projects in the UK and Europe.

Together we are deeply committed to fostering a nurturing and creative environment in the studio, and with our clients and collaborators.